Wednesday, August 18, 2010

New New New

Ok, so I'm not really the blogging type, but I've discovered like a million crafting, scrapbooking, etc. blogs that I want to follow, so here I am! I really doubt that I'll update this all that often, but who knows. I don't really have much to "blog" about that anyone will be interested in =]... Anyway, if you are by some odd chance reading this then I'll tell you about Peris. I'm so excited because she is my sponsored child through Compassion International, and I just got my first letter from her today!!! It was so sweet! She is seven years old and from Kiwanja, Kenya. She lives in a village with her parents and has a brother and sister. I decided to sponsor through Compassion in June when we took our students to Student Life camp. It was so fun for them. Louie Giglio was the speaker and Khristian Stanfill was the worship leader, so for all of you who know what I'm talking about, need I say more? Anyway, I decided that even though I don't have a steady job anymore (just babysitting here and there), It was something I needed to do. I mean the Bible is very clear about being obedient to God's commands about supporting orphans and widows... I was also beginning David Platt's book Radical (again, need I say more?).. So I went and picked out Peris. I knew Josh would want to help out too, and I knew he would love it if it were someone from Kenya since thats where he lived, so she seemed perfect. I wish my scanner was working so you could see the letter for yourself because its handwritten and so sweet, but I'll share anyway, 

"I greet you my sponsor in Jesus name. I want to thank you for choosing me as a child to sponsor. I am 7 years old. I am in grade two. I school at Kiwanja Primary School. I stay with my parents. I love you my sponsor. God bless you."

There is a spot that is labeled prayer requests, and she wrote: "Remember me to continue with my education to become a nurse."

AHHH!!! so sweet. The back is like a worksheet to tell more things about her since she is only 7.. It says My Favorite Things: Best Game- rope skipping; Best Song- God's Blessings Are Great; Best Food- Chapati; Best School Subject- English; Best Bible Story- Goliath and David; Best Color- Red.......

Ok, how precious is that?!?!? 
I'm so glad I have this opportunity to connect with a child so far away who up until finding Compassion was in extreme poverty and had no hope. Now she is able to not only get an education, but most importantly she is hearing the Gospel and living for Christ. Who knows what kind of impact she will make on her family because of this opportunity. 
Anyway, I'm glad for whoever is reading that I could share this blessing. I'll share a picture as soon as I can. And I want to encourage everyone to check out Compassion! 

Learn more about sponsoring a child.